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1.扎尔嘎朗图(Jargalant Adgiin)岩画
2.Rashaan Teeg的符号
距离苏赫巴托尔省(Sukhbaatar)额尔德尼查干(Erdenetsagaan)70公里的Rashaan Teeg遗址,由3个包含古老符号的鼓形岩石组成。目前这些岩石没有任何遮蔽物,并且很难与普通岩石区分开来。Rashaan Teeg的符号源于蒙古人的祖先也就是通常被认为的匈奴,并且是匈奴时代高贵的象征。在蒙古南部地区,我们发现了匈奴皇室的印记,这是一个重要的学术发现。
这个地点发现于Umnugobi aimag, 布尔干省(Bulgan), Havtsgait am. 在那里我们可以看到蒙古帝国贵族生活的绘画。在独块巨石上发现了贵族、皇后、佣人的形象以及他们的帽子、服饰以及使用的椅子的图像,这些都与蒙古帝国有关,并且与周边国家的岩画、墓葬壁画相近。这是蒙古国第一个与蒙古帝国时代有关的历史遗迹。
Latest results from the study of petroglyphs in Mongolia
Natsag Batbold
Senior researcher
Institute of History and Archaeology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
Petroglyphs constitute a large part of the unique cultural heritage of Mongolia. During survey, 600 locations were found which contain petroglyphs in Mongolia, and the number of sites is increasing every year. This is a report of newly found sites with petroglyphs in Mongolia.
1.Jargalant Adgiin
This site contains relics dating from the stone age to the iron age, and its complexity is seldom encountered in the archaeological record of Mongolia. Human faces represented in the petroglyphs of Jargalant Adgiin are very similar to those found in the petroglyphs of Northern China.
We found depictions with ritual themes, human faces, and representations of the sun and moon in the Gobi and eastern region of Mongolia. From this we can conclude that during the late Stone Age and the Bronze Age these regions had a culture of their own. The human faces represented in Jargalant Adgiin resemble human faces or masks dating back to the late Stone Age.
2.Rashaan Teeg
The site of Rashaan Teeg is located 70km away from Sukhbaatar aimag, Erdenetsagaan sum. The site is composed of three drum-shaped rocks, which contains ancient symbols. As these rocks are not sheltered, they are very difficult to distinguish from normal rocks.
Symbols from Rashaan Teeg resemble motifs attributed to Xiongnu groups, especially clanic symbols such as those found in the southeastern part of Mongolia.
3.Havtsgait am
The site of Havtsgait am is located in Umnugobi aimag, Bulgan suma. The paintings in Havtsgait am evoke the life of the nobility of the Mongol Empire. Nobles, queens, their attendants, hairdress and hats, clothes and chairs are depicted on the monoliths.
While this is the first site that can be directly related to the Mongol Empire in Mongolia itself, similar depictions are found in the rock art, funerary art and painting from neighbouring countries.
Every year, field survey reveals more sites with petroglyphs. It is clear that with systematic regional survey, more archaeological sites could be found, especially petroglyphs.
Among the numerous sites with petroglyphs known in Mongolia, very few are being researched. An effort is needed to gather the available information and continue the work of collecting and recording new evidence.
Research on the four thousand year old shaman figures in the Xinjiang area:
The chronology of the rock paintings in Kangjia shimenzi
Han Jianye
Department of Archaeology and Museum Studies, Renmin University of China
Around 4000 years ago, the Bronze Age cultures of Qiemuerqieke, Hami Tianshan beilu and Gumugou-xiaohe produced a peculiar type of shamanistic figure in the territory of modern Xinjiang province. This figure can be compared to examples found in greater numbers in the Okunev and Karakol cultures in the Altai region, Russia. Contemporaneous images were also found in Kangjia shimenzi, Xinjiang province, as well as in rock paintings in the Altai, Tianshan, Helan and Yinshan mountains. Presumably these characters are not only close to each other in formal characteristics and estimated time period, they may relate to comparable shamanistic beliefs.
王晓琨1 副教授
柏嘎力2 馆员
(1.中国人民大学考古文博系 2. 锡林郭勒盟文物站)
Types and Distribution of the Rock Art in Xilingole
Wang Xiaokun 1 (Associate Professor)
Bogali 2 (Research Fellow)
(1. Department of Archaeology and Museum Studies, Renmin University of China
2. Cultural Relic Station of Xilingol League)
Rock art is an important carrier of ancient culture, recording the production, life, religious beliefs and other aspects of ancient human beings. Rock art is an important part of archaeological heritage, and it is attracting increasing attention in recent years within the archaeological community. Significantly, in July 2016, a group of rock art in Hushan, Guangxi Province, was selected to become part of the world cultural heritage. Xilingole is one of the three major grassland areas in China. The area features rich and well preserved rock art. In the autumn of 2016, the Archaeology department of Renmin University of China and the local archaeological administration at the Xilingole Cultural Relics Management Office formed a joint archaeological team to carry out a first systematic survey of the rock art in Xilingole. 22 clusters of sites were found, with 1389 groups of depictions and more than 4000 individual images: this is a major discovery in the field of rock art studies in China. This article is a report on our survey, which defined the characteristics of the rock art in Xilingole as using chisels as main production tool, line-carving as main carving type, and animal design as main subject matter, together with particular aspects in layout and the choice of patterns. From a regional perspective, the rock art in Xilingole provides valuable information and allows comparisons with neighboring areas. Our investigation provides new material to the study of central Inner Mongolia.
本文认为,负责修造云冈石窟的僧人昙曜,注意到他居住的Tongle寺的空间布局。 此外,犍陀罗和西方的僧人也曾参与了云冈石窟的建设,并对其发展起了决定性的作用。北魏太武帝的影响远传至西方,同样他也接受了各个国家代表团到平城的访问。除此之外,大同也有许多可支持这一事件的考古材料,即西方与北魏平城之间确实存在过主动的交流。考虑到平城受到过西方文化的影响,云冈石窟的空间布局也是这一事件的重要体现。我们还要注意这样一个事实,随着东汉时期佛教的传入,以单塔石窟为主体建筑便形成另一种寺院空间布局的风格。有鉴于此,本文预期在韩国应该也会发现如此布局的寺庙建筑遗址。
Temple layout and east-west cultural exchange at the Yungang site in the Northern Wei period
Yang Eun Gyeng
Pusan National University
The upper layer of the Yungang site (雲岡石窟) features a restored temple and pagoda. Until now, research on these remains is incomplete. In this paper, I look at the location of the site and make a detailed report of my survey. Additionally, I conducted in-depth analysis on the problem of the origin of the layout and paintings of the upper part of Yungang cave no.33. Finally, the paper focuses on tracing the background of the east-west cultural exchange, based on both historical records detailing the names of temples and of the monks that resided here and the archaeological record. It is thought that the Buddhist temple in the upper part of cave no.33 in Yungang was established in the Northern Wei Period. The temple spatial arrangement is the first found in China and has caught the attention of the academic community. The layout is a rectangular groundplan with a garden in between, and a pagoda. This complex is surrounded by four pagodas and a vihara. This complex layout is very different from the single pagoda – single main building temple type of the contemporaneous Siyuanfosi (思遠佛寺) and Yongling temple (永寧寺) sites.One must search for the origin of the spatial arrangement of this temple in the Saidu and Takht-i-Bāhī temples of the Gandhara region. However, in the Gandharan and Central Asian regions the monastery and pagoda are regularly separated and located in independent places. It must be pointed out that this is a difference with the Yungang cave temple. The subject of discussion is if the pagoda at the Babar-khäna site Locality B of the Jandiāl temple and the pagoda of the Pippala temple site are located in the centre of the temple, with all other buildings arranged around the pagoda. This could be the direct origin of the pattern found in Yungang. It must be kept in mind that there are differences at each of these sites between the dates of the pagodas and monasteries, and there is some physical overlapping between buildings. The origins of the entire spatial plan of the Yungang temple can be related to surface temples of the Gandharan region, but differences exist in the many levels of the wooden pagoda, and in the use of rammed-earth construction techniques. Hybrid combinations of temple site elements from Gandharan and Chines traditions are certain. This is an important aspect of east-west cultural interchange.I think that the monk responsible for the excavation construction of the Yungang cave, Tanyao, paid attention to Tongle, the temple in which he resided. Moreover, Gandharan and Western monks were present at the Yungang temple and they played a decisive role in its development.The influence of the Northern Wei Emperor Taiwu (太武帝) spread far westward and he received many delegations to his capital, Pingcheng (平城), from each country. In addition, there is supporting archaeological data from Datong (大同) to show that there were active exchanges between the West and Pincheng, the capital of the Northern Wei. The western-influenced spatial arrangement of the temple at Yungang is part of this wider phenomenon. Buddhism was passed down to the Eastern Han, but the single pagoda-single main building style of monastery spatial arrangement is of another type. It is with this in mind that I end this manuscript, with the expected possibility that such a temple spatial arrangement will be discovered in Korea.
The archaeological study of eight-zhang Buddha Statues in the Northern Dynasties
Xu Guanghui
Ryukoku University
For a long time, more than ten large stone Buddha statues in the Northern Dynasties were found in Shandong, Hebei and other places. With a length between 5 to 7 meters, roughly in line with the traditional 1.8 zhang (丈), these statues are named eight-zhang Buddha statues. Only in Shandong were a number of eight-zhang Buddha statues carved between the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Northern Qi Dynasty. Several meters high stone seated Buddha statues were also found in Linzi county, Shandong province.
Eight-zhang Buddha statues are widely distributed in Linzi and Qingzhou, Shandong province. Preliminary statistics showed that two such statues are stored in the Longquan temple and one in the Western Heaven temple, both located in Linzi county. The Western Heaven temple also keeps one from the nearby Kangshan Temple. In recent years a head of a eight-zhang Buddha statue was found in the Stone Buddha Temple site in Shaozhuang, Qingzhou. There is an eight-zhang Buddha statue in Xingguo Temple in Boxing, Binzhou. In addition, the head of an eight-zhang Buddha statue unearthed in the Longxing temple in Qingzhou is now preserved in Zhucheng Museum in Weifang. This elaborate, 110cm high head has a serene smile and solemn face. Above seven eight-zhang Buddha statues are thus known. According to reports the eight-zhang Buddha Temple in Shouguang and Longxing Temple in Changqing each keeps one but the latter with a larger body called nine-zhang Buddha statue. Besides, in Quyang, Hebei province, an Eastern Wei period eight-zhang Buddha statue was found, severely damaged by fire.
As the main image of a shrine, the above-mentioned statues were placed in the hall of a Buddhist temple. Conversely, Buddha statues of the same period found in Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan provinces, of similar or larger size, were directly cut into the walls of the cave temples.
The author thinks that the motivation for building these free-standing, large-sized statues is the cult of Maitreya, popular in that period. Since the data of Buddha statues in Longquan temple in Linyi is abundant, this research makes use of these materials to investigate the types, characteristics, evolution process, production age and nature of eight-zhang Buddha statues.
李延祥1 谭宇辰1 张登毅1 贾淇1 于建军2
(1.北京科技大学 2.新疆自治区文物考古研究所)
Preliminary research on two ancient turquoise mine sites in Hami
Li Yanxiang1, Tan Yuchen1, Zhang Dengyi1, Jia Qi1, Yu Jianjun2
(1. University of Science and Technology Beijing
2. Cultural Relics and Archaeology Institute of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region)
A field survey of two ancient turquoise mine sites was carried in Heishanling and Tianhudong in Hami, and tracing tests were carried onthe collected turquoise samples for Pb-Sr isotopes and microelements.
The Heishanling site is located about 200 kilometers from Hami City in the southwest, while the Tianhudong site is about 150 kilometers southeast of Hami City. Both sites are located in arid deserts and difficult to reach. Investigation on the Heishanling site identified several cultural layers. A large number of datable specimens such as pottery fragments, animal bones and charcoals were gathered. In Tianhudong, only a small amount of pottery fragments, animal bones and charcoals were collected from the ancient mine, and some stone graves were found. A large number of mining stone tools, and plenty of turquoise specimens are available from both sites. Dating test for the animal bones and charcoals indicate that the two sites were used for mining in the same period, between 3000 and 2500 years ago.
Preliminary field investigation has shown that the two ancient turquoise mines were of a large scale, but their archaeological culture and more evidence for dating are still to be investigated.
Pb-Sr isotopes and trace elements test shows that there are significant differences between turquoise from these two sites and turquoises produced in Laziya, Central China. These observations will lead to a better idea of the movement of ancient Hami turquoise.
A late Neolithic to early Bronze Age wrist ornament inlaid with turquoise
Huang Tsuimei
Tainan National University of The Arts
The plaques adorned with animal motifs inlaid with turquoise unearthed from the Erlitou site are the most compelling artefacts of the Erlitou culture. In 2015, I was able to relate three plaques adorned with animal motifs inlaid with turquoise to their location in the tomb, and speculated that they were used as wrist ornaments for the deceased. In addition, by looking at the iconography and craftmanship of available plaques adorned with animal motifs inlaid with turquoise in the archaeological record and classifying them by type into an evolutionary sequence, I found that they might be related to late Neolithic (about 2000 BC) plaques adorned with animal motifs inlaid with turquoise.
Archaeological materials show that, in addition to Erlitou site, wrist ornaments inlaid with turquoise are found on the body of the deceased in tombs from the Zongri site in Qinghai province, the Taosi culture in the Jinnan area and Linfen Xiajin, Xiangfen Taosi, as well as the Longshan culture and Rizhao in Shandong province. The major concentration of wrist ornaments inlaid with turquoise is found in the Jinnan area, southern Shanxi.
Neolithic wrist ornaments do not have metallic backgrounds or frames, and they are not adorned with animal motifs. However, they too used a black glue to adapt the bits of turquoise on to curved surfaces, and added fragments of oher materials such as mother-of-pearl or stone to the turquoise inlay, just like in Erlitou.
This article is based on previous studies and a comprehensive collection of archaeologically unearthed wrist ornaments inlaid with turquoise dating from the end of the Neolithic period. Focusing on wrist ornaments found in the Taosi cemetery in Jinnan, I also looked at hairpins inlaid with turquoise, often found in association with the wrist ornaments. Their distribution and function are discussed here.
A first aim of this paper is to investigate the transmission and evolution of techniques and motifs found on the early Bronze Age wrist ornaments. A second aim is, based on evidence from the Taosi culture in Shanxi, to relate it to comparable material from the Longshan culture in Shandong and the Northwest, to better understand cultural interaction between the Yellow River valley and the Northern grassland in body ornaments of the late Neolithic.
Tubo gold and silverware and its relation to the Eurasian steppe
Huo Wei
Center for Tibetan Studies, Sichuan University
Documents from the Tang dynasty show that the Tubo empire had a highly developed production of gold and silverwares, which were used to pay tribute to the Tang rulers on many occasions. A number of important archaeological discoveries have confirmed this fact in recent years. From the existing archaeological record, we can tell that the gold and silverware produced by the Tubo adopted techniques and motifs from the Tang to the East, as well as from Sassanid Persia and Sogdiana to the West. In addition, the artefacts show close contacts with the Eurasian steppe cultures. Tubo gold and silverware has a cultural identity of its own, as influences were synthetized into a new artistic style. The way these artefacts were used is characteristic of the highland groups who produced them. The study of Tubo gold and silverware is an opportunity to investigate cultural exchanges between China and other groups.
This paper focuses on the following five aspects:
1.the historical role of Tubo gold and silverware as reflected by historical texts.
2.Both archaeologically unearthed Tubo gold and silverware and examples from unknown provenance.
3.The influence of Eurasian steppe cultures on Tubo gold and silverware.
4.The relation between Tubo, Persian and Sogdian gold and silverware.
5.Technological and iconographic aspects of Tubo gold and silverware.
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