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The Concept of “Original China” and Ancient China’s Expansion in the Western Territories
Liu Xuetang
Deputy Dean/Professor
Institute of Ethnology and Sociology, Xinjiang Normal University
The archaeologist Zhang guangzhi (张光直; K.C.Chang) put forward the concept of “Original China” (最初中国; literally “China of the very beginning”). This entity was formed gradually by “cultural interaction within China, or cultral interaction preceding China”. Archaeological discoveries and research show that the western part of "Original China" includes the Tianshan area. The dynamic expansion of “Original China” in the western territory laid a historical foundation for the political unification of China and the establishment of the Silk road in the Han dynasty.
本文通过尝试将人类学家弗瑞德瑞克•巴斯在(Fredrik Barth)《族群与边界》一书中提出的“边界”概念,纳入到考古学研究中,具体以亚欧草原史前考古为分析对象,阐述农、牧业经济方式的互动带来的社会变革,并以此促进了农牧业各自的发展。
The boundaries of agricultural civilization: An anthropological perspective on the
archaeology of the early Eurasian steppe
Yu Jianjun
Xinjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
This paper applies the concept of “boundaries” proposed by anthropologist Fredrik Barth in his work “Ethnic Groups and Boundaries” (1969) into the field of archaeology.
Focusing on the prehistoric archaeology of the Eurasian steppe, this paper looks at the social changes brought about by the interaction of agricultural and pastoralist communities. The paper analyzes the relationship between pastoral nomadism or herding economies, and the expansion of early agriculture. When facing the rise of pastoral nomadism, early agriculturers had to step back in some areas while the boundary between these two subistences modes remained blurred.
Archeological research on the interaction between early farming and pastoralist communities has focused on areas located in North and Northwest China, which hold important evidence for the understanding of the phenomenon.
Cultural interaction in the eastern fringe of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau from the Neolithic to the Han period
Wang Hui
Director, Researcher
Gansu Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
The eastern fringe of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, also known as the “Zangyi corridor” (蔵彝走廊), formed the southern part of the “crescent-shaped cultural communication belt” (半月形文化分布带) proposed by Tong Enzheng. This area was an important channel for cultural exchange and migration between the northwest loess plateau and the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau. It was the main channel for the spread of bronze cultures from the Eurasian steppe and North China to Southwest China. From the late Neolithic period, with representative sites such as Majiayao, influences from Gansu and Qinghai entered Northwest Sichuan from the south of Gansu province, as well as further south towards the Anning river basin. The bronze cultures of Qi and Siwa also spread southward through this route, but connections seem to have weakened during the Majiayao period. From the Warring States to the Han period, northern bronze culture spread southward towards Yunnan, through the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
Cultural interaction in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau region was mainly fuelled by the southward migration of the Qiang and other western groups. Before the Han period, southward influences mainly came from cultures located in the Gansu-Qinghai region. Especially after the Qin ruler Mugong’s campaign against the Rong, with the southward migration of the western Rong groups, a strong influence of northern bronze cultures was felt in the Southwest. After the Han period, with the establishment of a unified centralized government and following the change in territorial administration on the southwest border of the empire, feedback cultural influences from the southwest reached southern Gansu. Apart from the peculiar example of Sanxingdui, located in the Sichuan basin, most influences coming from the northwestern regions spread towards the southwestern region through the mountain valleys on the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau.
Excavation and analysis of the Maoqinggou cemetery
Yang Jianhua
Research Center for Chinese Frontier Archaeology of Jilin University
The Maoqinggou cemetery was discovered in 1979, and together with the Taohongbala tombs excavated in western Inner Mongolia in 1973, this find pioneered the study of nomadic cultures in Eastern Zhou period Inner Mongolia. Today, 38 years later, many cemeteries belonging to northern bronze cultures have been discovered, especially in Ningxia and other places. By contrast, these finds highlights the significance of the Maoqinggou cemetery.
The Maoqinggou cemetery is located in the Daihai region of eastern Inner Mongolia, in the northern part of the ancient state of Zhao. In historical texts, the relationship between the state of Zhao and the “barbarians” (hu 胡) in the north, is illustrated by an episode where King Wuling of Zhao promulgates an edict to adopt hu clothing, horse riding and archery. The occupants of the Maoqinggou cemetery are likely to have had military intercourse with the state of Zhao, and the clothing worn by deceased correspond to the so-called hu dress. Compared with clothing items found in the surrounding area, this specific type of dress in Maoqinggou cemetery is found in greater number and attributable to an earlier date. These specific clothing items include belt buckles with animal motifs and other belt accessories, such as plaques with S-shaped and linked pearl decoration.
The Maoqinggou cemetery, where early and numerous exmpales of hu costume are found, had a wide influence on the surrounding areas of Northern China, and the Eurasian steppe.
Sino-foreign cultural relations in the early Metal Age: A reading of “The Metal Road in the Eastern Eurasian Steppe” by Professor Yang Jianhua
Qiao Liang
Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage
The cultural evolution of China’s early metal age is different from the mainstream model of independent development in the Neolithic period. External influences have been neglected: the influence of bronze cultures from the West on the development of Chinese bronze technology cannot be overlooked.
According to Yang Jianhua, the road for the diffusion of metallurgy ran through the Eurasian grassland in only one direction. This can be observed from metal items found in Qinghai and in the Central Plains of China, as well as in the North. Conversely, it is hard to find items that show any influence coming from mainland China in contemporaneous sites in the West.
The geographic distribution, existing hierarchies and contextual information about the archaeological cultures forming the early Bronze Age of the Central Plains are well-researched aspects, and led to distinguish Chinese Bronze Age culture as a functioning system different from Bronze Age cultures elsewhere in the world. Still, what remains to explain is why the influences remain one-sided, and what was obtained from this transfer in technology and metal items by its Western provider? Could the limited westward spread of the Bronze culture of the Central Plains be due to cultural inequalities between the East and the West?
Sino-roman encounters in an archaeological perspective:China and the Roman
Empire - Archaeological testimonia for Roman contacts with the Far East
Lorenz E. Baumer
Full professor of Classical Archaeology
Department of Science of Antiquities,University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Archaeological testimonial for a direct contact between the Mediterranean world of the Roman Empire and China are archaeologically mostly limited on woven silk that is found e.g. in the Syrian cities of Palmyra and Dura Europos.
On the other hand, Chinese texts, first of all the Weilue and the HouHanshu report a few direct contacts between the Roman and the Chinese world, but testify also of the role of the Parthians who tried to control and to limit quite successfully these encounters.
Taken together, the archaeological finds and the literary testimonia allow drawing a rather differentiated picture, showing that even if the contacts have been rare, there are at least some elements that allow a better understanding of the economic rules and the cultural contacts between the Far East and the Mediterranean world in Antiquity.
Investigation on the social organization of northern nomadic tribes
in the Han and Jin period
Zheng Junlei
Deputy Dean\Professor
School of Sociology and Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sen University
Evidence from historical texts
Uchida Ginpu believes that each household among the Xiongnu and the Xianbei counted seven people.
Ma Changshou distinguishes four levels in the social organization of the Wuhuan: the tent (or household), the group of tents, the tribe, and the group of tribes.
According to Wang Mingke, the Wuhuan and Xianbei societies located in the western part of modern Liaoning province and the neighbouring areas were structured in several levels in the Han period: the family or household, the herding group, the tribe or clan, and the federation of tribes or clans.
Evidence from unearthed seals
Several Han period seals inscribed with titles of authority such as, for example :
“Han baosai Wuhuan shuai zhong zhang汉保塞乌桓率众长”
“Xin baosai Wuhuan □li yi shuai zhong hou yin新保塞乌桓□棃邑率众侯印”
“Han Wuwan gui yi qian zhang汉乌丸归义仟长”
“Han gui yi Wuhuan bai zhang汉乌桓归义佰长”
The titles can be divided into three levels: the chiefs (shuai zhong率众, corresponding to the king), the leaders who defend a frontier (zhang长, hou侯) and leaders of a hundred (佰长) or a thousand people (仟长).
Evidence from cemetery sites
Jinggouzi cemetery in Linxi county.
Pingyang cemetery in Tailai county.
Xichagou cemetery in Xifeng county.
Ethnographic evidence
In Mongolian history, several types of organization for pastoralist groups are known such as: the “gulieyan”, “a-yin le”, “etok”, “kulun”. The subsistence activity of the Kazakh herdsmen are organized as “ahur”, while Kirghiz herdsmen are organized as “a-yin le”. In Golok, part of the Tibetan area of modern Qinghai province, the society is divided into 4 levels: “day families” (or “tents communities”), small tribes, tribes and sections.
Generally, in the Han period, northern nomadic tribes are composed of twenty, thirty or more smaller units called yiluo 邑落. Every yiluo counts a dozen of tent groups and each tent group counts a dozen tents. The famous saying “hundreds of thousands of tents form one clan”, either refers to clan groupings based on blood ties or to clan groupings based on political alliances.
西西伯利亚和阿尔泰南部铁器时代早期(公元前1000年至公元500年)考古遗存研究有着自身的历史,其中最为重要的发现之一便是1865年拉德洛夫(V.V. Radlov)对巴泽雷克文化(Pazyrykskaya culture)墓葬的发掘。前苏联时期,一批杰出科学家如鲁坚科(Rudenko)、格利亚兹诺夫(Gryaznov)、基谢廖夫(Kiselev)、索尔金(Sorokin)、莫基尼科夫(Mogilnikov)等以及当地博物馆及相关机构的人员,都对这一地区古代人类材料的积累做出了贡献。对此系统的研究是在1973年阿尔泰国立大学在巴尔瑙尔成立之后。
在现有关于阿尔泰及毗邻地区早期铁器时代研究的框架下,笔者提出了分期编年的三个时段:the Argyan-Mayemir(公元前9世纪至公元前4世纪上半叶)或青铜时代向早期铁器时代的过渡;斯基泰(Scythian-Saki)或巴泽雷克(Pazyryk)时期(公元前4世纪后半段至公元前3世纪末);匈奴—鲜卑—柔然(Xiungnu-Syanbi-Zhouzhan,公元前2世纪至公元5世纪)或匈奴—萨尔马提亚(Hunno-Sarmatian)时期。这些时期的民族文化状况鲜明反映在考古学文化遗产当中。同时,我们应把握以下特征:在阿尔泰山和森林—草原过渡地带北部,考古遗存表明其军事政治与社会经济发生了改变。
由于相关资料的缺失,阿尔泰山地区发达的青铜文化及晚期青铜文化状况尚不明朗。对于the Arzano-Mayemir时期,Biikenskaya文化与Mayemirskaya文化已通过分布在不同地区彼此相异的遗存区分开来。在它们之后便是著名的巴泽雷克(Pazyrykskaya)文化以及布兰—科宾斯卡亚(Bulan-Kobinskaya)文化。所有提及的阿尔泰文化之影响,主要反映在南部游牧族群及同时期其他政权上。
西西伯利亚南部的森林—草原过渡地带及草原地带则表现出完全不同的民族文化面貌。青铜时代晚期,几个Postandronian的考古学文化被辨识出来:Sargarinsko-Alekseeevskaya文化, Irmenskaya文化, Korchazhkinskaya文化等。在青铜时代向早期铁器时代过渡阶段,由于不同环境地带各种因素的影响,为人熟知的Bolsherechenskaya族群被斯基泰—萨尔马提亚(Scythian-Sarmatian)时期一系列独特文化如Sratoaleiskaya文化,贝斯特良斯卡亚(Bystryanskaya)文化以及卡缅斯卡亚(Kamenskaya)文化所取代。此外,泰加林带南部的古来部落体现出明显的进步性。公元1千年初在阿尔泰北部的丘陵和萨莱尔地区形成了Maiminskaya部落。在大迁徙时期,Odintsovskaya文化被认为存在于中世纪早期。
本研究由俄罗斯政府资助阿尔泰州立大学(Resolution No. 220),contract No. 14. Z50.31.0010.
Ethnocultural situation in the South of Western Siberia and the Altai region in the early Iron Age
Alexei.A. Tishkin
Altai State University
The study of archaeological monuments of the early Iron Age in the south of Western Siberia and the Altai region (from the 1st millennium BC to the first half of the 1st millennium AD) has its own history. Pioneering work was done by V.V. Radlov in 1865, when he excavated large (“royal”) burial mounds later classified as Pazyrykskaya culture. In the Soviet period, contributions to the knowledge of the concerned groups was made by prominent scientists such as Rudenko, Gryaznov, Kiselev, Sorokin, Mogilnikov etc., as well as by the staff of local museums and organizations. Systematic research was carried out after the opening of Altai State University in Barnaul in 1973.
At present, within the framework of the early Iron Age of Altai and adjacent territories, the author singled out three chronological “horizons”: the Argyan-Mayemir (IX – 2–3 quarter of the 6th century BC) or the transition from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age; Scythian-Saki or Pazyryk time (2nd half of the 4th century to the end of 3rd century BC); Xiungnu-Syanbi-Zhouzhan (from the 2nd century BC to the 5th century AD) or “Hunno-Sarmatian” time. These archaeological cultures reflect the ethno-cultural situation in these periods. At the same time, we should note that in the Altai Mountains and in the forest-steppe zone to the north of them, different processes of the military-political and socio-economic plan took place in antiquity. In the Altai Mountains, cultures of the late Bronze Age have not been defined yet since the relevant data is not available. For the Arzano-Mayemir period, the Biikenskaya and Mayemirskaya cultures are characterized by monuments occupying various regions and differing from each other. After them there was the well-known Pazyrykskaya and then – Bulan-Kobinskaya cultures. All the mentioned Altai cultures reflected mostly the southern influence of the existing nomadic powers and other contemporaneous states.
The forested steppe and steppe zone in the south of Western Siberia are characterized by a completely different ethno-cultural situation. For the Late Bronze period, several archaeological cultures of the Postandronian world were identified: Sargarinsko-Alekseeevskaya, Irmenskaya, Korchazhkinskaya, etc. In the transition from the Bronze Age to the early Iron Age, the well-studied Bolsherechenskaya community replaced existing cultures in different environmental zones. Under the influence of different factors in the Scythian-Sarmatian period, came a series of special cultures: Sratoaleiskaya, Bystryanskaya and Kamenskaya. Moreover, there was a marked advance from the southern taiga zone of the Kulai tribes. At the beginning of the first millennium AD, in the northern foothills of the Altai and in Salair region, a community known as Maiminskaya took shape. In the period of the Great Migration, the Odintsovskaya culture was formed which persisted throughout in the early stages of the early Middle Ages.
The study was funded by the grant of the Government of Russia (Resolution No. 220) received by Altai State University, contract No. 14. Z50.31.0010.
Ancient Chinese and ancient Japanese capital cities
Takeda Kazuya
Associate Professor
Otani University
Walled cities developed early in China, which held a central position in East Asia. The region regularly experienced armed conflicts since ancient times, so that defense facilities were needed to secure a safe environment.
Ancient Chinese city plans are often of rectangular shapes. However, not all of them are well-organized rectangular plans. Although there is evidence for cities integrally built on an ideal rectangular plan, pre-existing fortifications were often re-used and incorporated in the design of later walled cities. Irregularly-shaped city plans can also be due to geographical constraints or an insufficient workforce. Early principles for the construction of Chinese walled cities are found in the Zhou Li (周禮). The same principles were applied to cities throughout East Asia, especially in Japan. Much effort is done in research to correlate the ideology of Zhou Li with the remains of ancient walled cities. In China itself, where the Zhou Li originates, it is in fact difficult to find cases where the precepts mentioned in the text are directly applied to urban design. Conversely, the same precepts are satisfied in several ancient capitals of Japan, especially in Fujiwara-kyo (藤原京) and Bo Hai (渤海), far away from China.
It is of common knowledge that ancient Japanese capital cities were modeled after the Chinese system. There are sometimes large structural differences between ancient Japanese capital cities, such as between Fujiwara-kyo (藤原京) and Heijo-kyo (平城京), so that more than one model might have been available. There is also the possibility that other cultural influences acted on urban design.
Major changes in the design of ancient capitals in Japan are reflected in the layout of Fujiwara-kyo (藤原京) and Heijo-kyo (平城京). The northern side of the imperial palace adopted the bei que (北闕) structure, just like in Tang period Chang’an (長安). Considerable influence came from Sui and Tang period Chang’an (長安), which structure emulated the later cities of Nagaoka-kyo (長岡京) and Heian-kyo (平安京). A major difference between ancient Japanese capital cities and ancient Chinese walled cities is that walls in the former did not surround all of the outer four sides. In the studies conducted thus far, although the existence of small-scale and incomplete enclosed facilities has been confirmed, fortifications comparable to those found in Chinese walled cities have not been found. Complete city walls were not needed in ancient Japan, although the capital was involved in many armed conflicts, possibly because there was no treath of an external invasion to the country. Instead, enclosures played a visual and symbolic role. Stable exchanges of envoys between the Tang Dynasty, Xin Luo (新羅) and Bo Hai (渤海) were established during the Nara period, and it is thought that the purpose of enclosures was essentially for conducting diplomatic activities.
The Typological Orientation of Chinese Archaeology:
A Reassessment of Methods and Problems
Associate Professor
University of Oxford Anke Hein
Chinese and Western archaeologists (especially those of the anthropologically-oriented tradition) often seem to be talking past each other, not only because they are publishing in different languages, but also because of differences in theory and method. While the major theoretical works in Western languages are by now available in Chinese translations, hardly any English-language publications exist that explain Chinese approaches to archaeological method and theory. This paper helps to bridge the gap, discussing in detail the merits – and issues – of approaches suggested by three of the most influential Chinese archaeologists (Li Chi, Su Bingqi, and K.C.Chang), this paper provides a deeper understanding of the preconditions of archaeological research in China. It also suggests future directions for archaeological work by local and foreign archaeologists, including but also going beyond the classification of the rich body of artifacts coming to light in Chinese excavations.
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