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新疆唐朝墩古城遗址2021年... | |
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策·宝勒尔巴特①, 巩琴苏荣·兵巴①, 尼古拉·乔治②,
斯尔盖·格拉德谢夫③, 叶布格尼·热艾兵③, 奥德苏荣·达瓦赫③
第一处遗址是Tolbor-4:发掘时间是2004至2006年,此处遗址共有6个地层。Tolbor-4第6层出土物的测年时间为距今37.400± 2600 (АА-79314, USA) BP到35.230 ± 680 (АА-93141,USA) BP。
第二处遗址是Tolbor-15:发掘时间是2008至2011年,此处遗址共有7个地层。第7层出土物的测年时间为距今34.010± 200 (MAMS-14934) 到33.470 ± 190 (MAMS-14935)BP。
第三处遗址是Tolbor-16:共分7层,发掘时间为2012至2016年。第7层出土物的测年时间为距今40.480±320BP (MAMS-20985),40.910 ± 340 BP (MAMS-20983),41.720 ± 160 BP (MAMS-20984)。
Tsedendorj Bolorbat ①, Gunchinsuren Byambaa①, Nicolas Zwyns②,Sergei Gladyshev
③, Evgeny Rybin③, Odsuren Davaakhuu①
(①.Institute of History and Archaeology, Mongolia Academy of Sciences, Mongolia
②.Department of Anthropology, University of California-Davis, USA
③.Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, SB RAS, Russia)
Mongolian-Russian and Mongolian-American joint Paleolithic expeditions worked on three sites of Ikh Tolbor valley, one of the streams to Selenge River, in northern ongolia,between of 2004 - 2016.
The first site is Tolbor-4; excavation done on 2004 - 2006 and the site has 6 tratigraphic. The illustrated by the finds from Horizon 6 at Tolbor-4 site with the uncalibrated dates 37.400 ± 2600 (АА-79314, USA) BP and 35.230 ± 680 (АА-93141, USA) BP.
The next site is Tolbor-15; excavation completed between of 2008 - 2011. This site has 7 tratigraphic. The horizon 7 dated 34.010 ± 200 (MAMS-14934) and 33.470 ± 190 (MAMS-14935) BP.
The third site is Tolbor-16 has 7 stratigraphic. It’s excavation completed in 2012 - 2016. The horizon 7 dated 40.480 ± 320 BP (MAMS-20985), 40.910 ± 340 BP (MAMS-0983), 41.720 ± 160 BP (MAMS-20984).
Blade-based lithic assemblage from lowest layers of Ikh Tulbur Paleolithic sites are belongs to Initial Upper Paleolithic. The technical system is very similar with assemblage from Trans-Baikal and Siberian territory.
Jia Xiaobing
Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Beginning in 2013, a regional survey carried out by the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences entitled “Regional survey of the archaeology of the Bronze Age in the Bortala River valley, Wenquan county”, resulted in the finding of a very large early Bronze Age site, the Husita site.
Husita is located about 40 kilometers northeast of Wenquan count. It is set at the feet of Mount Alatao, and covers an impressive surface of 12 square kilometers. This is the largest Bronze Age site found in Wenquan county, dating back no later than 3600 years ago. In June 2016, the excavation and study of the Husita site began, led by the team of the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Science.
Husita consists of three parts from north to south. Military watchposts and defensive architectures are located in the north, on Heishantou. The main part of the site is located in the alluvial fan at the feet of Mount Alatao. In the south, remains of buildings on a rectangular groundplan were found on the top of the small Husita Hill, and more buildings and a cemetery were found on the west side of the hill. The main structural element found in the site is a residential complex made out of large stones. The composite buildings include a rectangular body building, a front room, a west side room, a courtyard and a courtyard wall. Such complex reached more than 5000 sq. m., which makes it the largest known structure in the western Tianshan area. In addition, in the southwest corner of the main building, a sacrificial pit was found with human bones, pottery, bronze artefacts, etc. Among those, a well-preserved bronze short sword and a bronze awl with a horn handle were found. The surface of the awl handle is engraved with an impressively dense and regular grid pattern. These bronze items with horn handles are the best preserved examples found so far in the Eurasian Steppe region.
The complex architectural structures at such an impressive scale and the refined craftmanship of the unearthed items are of great significance for the understanding the social organization of early Bronze Age groups in the region.
第8与第9层堆积中只包含极少量器物,可能属于图瓦的原始塞西亚人时期的蒙甘—泰加文化。第10与10A层包含的即为塞西亚人时期的器物,包括青铜器的碎片,以及“horn bipedal psalm”的碎片。10A层与塔施提克文化有着某种联系。其与图瓦的科凯尔文化亦有相似之处。第11与12层则属于原始蒙古时期。13层堆积至公元17世纪,是阿尔泰可汗建国以及索雅特(图瓦人)从放牧的蒙古人以及说突厥语的部落的环境中分离出来的时候。17世纪,来自于斯河的图瓦部落居住在叶尼塞河岸边。虽然图拉—达什聚落址的地层序列并不具有明确的遗传学联系,但是我们可以将其划分为3个两两之间互相影响的群组。第一组——第1至7层——由新石器时代向青铜时代中期转变;第二组——第8至10层——原始塞西亚人时期,青铜时代晚期与早期铁器时代;第三组——第11至13层,中世纪时期。族群之间的联系与交流被从物质层面进行讨论,而由书面记载得以证实。
Vladimir Semenov
Principal Research Fellow
Institute of History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences
The multi-layered settlement of Toora-Dash is situated on the right bank of the Yenisei River, five kilometers downstream of the estuary of the Khemchik River. It was studied during seven field seasons from 1978 to 1984. During this time 13 cultural layers in a vertical sequence were uncovered. Those layers are separated with streaks of alluvium. The total thickness of stratification is of about 3 meters. The numbering of layers starts from the lowest, to show the chronological sequence of cultures. The four lowest layers are dated to the third millennium BC, which corresponds to the Neolithic period (Verhneyeniseiskaya culture). They feature round-bottom ceramic vessels decorated with combed stamp, arrowheads with a concave base, bifacial retouched inclusions, scrapers on flakes, and side scrapers. The bone and antler industry is represented by unilaterally barbed harpoon, tools for knitting nets, antler adze, needles and point drills. Pendants were made of the atrophied teeth of maral deer. Archeological materials are concentrated near the small hearths,
around which light tepee-shaped dwellings were organized. According to C14 dating this period lasted for 500 years from the beginning to the mid-3rd millennium BC. Traces of this culture were also found in the first and second layers of Kuilug-khem grotto, which are dated to an earlier period. Neolithic cultures with combed ceramics were widely distributed in Northern Asia, so it is difficult to trace the origins of the Verhneyeniseiskaya Neolithic culture.
Later, according to aeolian deposits, the Sayan-Altai upland began to wither so that the landscape changed into a steppe, which in due time allowed early cattle-breeders to settle here. In the 5th layer of Toora-Dash, ceramic from the Afanas’evo culture was discovered. Bringers of that culture could have come here from the Minusinsk basin, and settled in a wide area across the Sayan-Altai upland. Several burial sites of the Afanas’evo culture are known in Mongolia and Eastern Turkestan. Anthropological type and some features of the material culture has analogies within the Yamanaya and Catacomb cultures of Eastern Europe. In Tuva, settlements of Afanas’evo culture were discovered near the Khayirakan mountain and in the basin of the Khemchik River.
During the rather short period of interaction and acculturation of Afanas’evo and combed ceramics cultures, an early stage of the Okunevo culture formed in Tuva. This stage is represented by the 6th cultural layer of Toora-Dash. It is characterized with
flat-bottomed ceramics with combed ornament along with other types of ornamentations and almond-shaped arrowheads of 2-5cm in length. People buried in the Okunevo-type grave field of Aimyrlyg XIII had anthropological features similar to the bringers of Afanas’evo culture.
The second stage of the Okunevo culture in Tuva is featured in the 7th cultural layer of Toora-Dash. Significant changes appear at that time in ceramics ornamentation - rapports from shaded triangles for example attests the undoubtedly influence of Karasuk. Two bronze knives were found in the same layer - one with a dedicated handle,
another with a forged blade and pointed hitch. Those items point to a the date near the 14-13th centuries BC. The influence of the Minusinsk basin cultures on Tuva was not significant. Ceramists of the Okunevo culture in Tuva had another worldview, and the geometric style of the Andronovo and Karasuk cultures remained alien to them.
Layers 8 and 9 contained little material and could be referred to Mongun-taiga culture of proto-Scythian times in Tuva. Layers 10 and 10A contained Scythian period
material, including fragments of bronze items, and a piece of horn bipedal psalm. Layer 10 alpha is associated with Tashtyk culture. It finds analogies also within the Kokel’ culture of Tuva. Layers 11 and 12 refer to the proto-Mongolian period. Layer 13 dates to the 17th century AD, when the state of Altyn-khan appeared and Soyot (Tuvans) separated from the environment of nomadic Mongolian and Turk-speaking tribes. In the 17th century AD, Tuvan tribes from the Us river lived on the shores of Yenisei.
Stratigraphic sequence on the settlement of Toora-dash surely does not belong to a single genetic group, we can divide it instead into three groups, who interacted with each other. The first group, in layers 1 to 7, marks the transition between Neolithic and middle Bronze Age. The second group, in layers 8 to 10, dates from proto-Scythian times, in the late Bronze Age and early Iron Age. The third group, in layers 11 to 13, dates from medieval times. Ethnic connections and ethnogenesis can be discussed with this material, and confronted to historical texts.
事实上我们对克尔木齐文化的认知较若干年前研究刚在蒙古国起步时已更为深入。这种文化在今天通常表现在几种形式的丧葬特征、人形石像、岩画与礼仪建筑上。近年来蒙古和俄罗斯学者在巴彦乌列盖(Bayan-Olgii)和科布多省(Khovdaimag)的考古工作发现了丰富的物质文化和有趣的丧葬礼仪。与此同时,2015年在中国阿尔泰墩布拉克地区发现的岩画,其与阿尔泰岩画的关联性,使得克尔木齐文化更加复杂。最近发现的礼仪建筑上的岩画证实了我对岩画风格归属的猜想。最后,由俄罗斯学者在科布多河盆地Khar Chuluutiin Gol地区发掘的礼仪建筑补全了这一文化遗存的序列。
Tsagaan Turbat
Head of the Department of Bronze and Iron Age
Institute of History and Archaeology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
Despite extensive investigations in Mongolia during the last decennia in different parts of the country, the only region with clearly distinguishable Early Bronze age monuments is the Mongolian Altai, or West Mongolia. Unfortunately, Central and East Mongolia along with Gobi region still yield no evidence of early Bronze age occupation.
In this perspective the Early Bronze age Khemceg culture (Ke’ermuqi culture in Chinese archaeological literature), dated back to the mid to end of 3rd millennia BCE, plays a key role in the understanding of not only Mongolian but also neighboring regions like South Siberia, North Xinjiang and East Kazakhstan. In the light of the new series of C14 datation of Okunevo culture in the Minusinsk Basin, proposed by Russian colleagues to the mid-end of the 3rd millennium BCE, the origin and cultural connections of Khemceg culture needs to be re-considered. One could suggest that Khemceg-Okunevo was a cultural phenomenon that had origins in the western end of the Eurasian Steppe. The Yamnaya cultural community in East Europe is traditionally considered as the source of Afanasievo culture, and it seems to have also played a role in the formation of the Khemceg-Okunevo cultural phenomena.
Today, our knowledge of the Khemceg culture is deeper and much more complex than a few years ago when the study of this culture just began in Mongolia. IT is now represented by funeral features of several forms, anthropomorphic stone statues, rock art and ritual structures. Recent excavations by Mongolian archaeologists and Russian colleagues in Bayan-Olgii and Khovd aimag delivered a rich material culture and interesting funeral rites. Meanwhile, the discovery of the rock art site of Dundabulake in Chinese Altai, and its correlation with Altai rock art presented by the author in 2015, conferred more complexity to the Khemceg culture. The recent discovery of petroglyphs on the slabs of ritual structures confirmed my hypothesis concerning the cultural attribution of rock art styles. Finally, the ritual structure of Khar Chuluutiin Gol in Khovd river basin, excavated by Russian colleagues, completed the set of monuments from this culture.
The role and place of Khemceg in the emergence of bronze age cultures associated with animal herding and pastoralism is still subject to study. Its connection with Afanasievo culture are still unclear, alhtough the co-existence of both in the same area is documented.
本论文介绍Dornod Mongol Survey(DMS)项目近期在蒙古国苏赫巴托尔省的田野调查情况。DMS包括一系列田野研究,例如以全新世为跨度的调查、发掘、地质考古等。我们近期的工作主要集中在德勒格尔汗山附近青铜时代的居住遗址、墓葬遗址以及空间型遗迹的关系。
Joshua Wright
University of Aberdeen
This paper will present recent fieldwork by the Dornod Mongol Survey (DMS) in Sukhbaatar Aimag, Mongolia. The DMS encompasses a range of field research including survey, excavation, and geoarchaeology spanning the Holocene. Our recent work has focused on the relationship of habitation sites and mortuary and spatial monuments of the Bronze Age around the hills of Delgherkhan uul.
Particular focus has been on the identification of “macro-monuments”, large structures that use both the relationships of their component monuments and additional linking structures to create designed cultural landscapes. In this we see the enactment of power, emergence of regional identities and political collectives in the Bronze Age.
Wang Jianxin
School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University
1. Binary interaction in East Asia
From about 500 BC, East Asia was divided into an agricultural belt centered on the Yellow River valley and the Yangtze river basin, and a nomadic zone centered on the
Mongolian steppe. The historical evolution of East Asia is based on north-south
interaction and a binary opposition between agricultural and nomadic populations.
2. Staggered coexistence mode in Central Asia
In central Asia, the nomadic and agricultural populations are distributed in an alternate, “staggered fashion, except for the northern Kazakh Steppe and the
Altai-Siberia belt. This alternate distribution allowed the peaceful coexistence
of nomadic and agricultural groups in Central Asia. Central Asia hosted the earliest known nomadic groups, starting around 1000BC.
3. The “division of labour” for subsistence modes in Europe
Within a single ethnic group, part of the population lives in the plains area and is engaged in agriculture, while another part lives in
Nikolai Seregin
Associate Professor
Altai State University
Early medieval Turks of Central Asia left a mark inthe history of many peoples. Their history is known mainly from written sources – runic texts and Chinese dynasty chronicles. However, the analysis of archaeological sites, which are still only fragmentarily used, is important too. The most informative sites are the necropolises of the early medieval Turks. To this day, more than 450 burials of nomads have been excavated in different parts of Central Asia (in Altai – about 200, in Tuva – about 80, in the Minusinsk basin – about 120 and in Mongolia – about 50). In addition, a group of Turkic complexes are located in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. A comparative analysis of this material makes it possible to study the process of the formation and evolution of the Turkic archaeological culture in various territories, as well as to carry out the reconstruction of the ethnocultural history of nomads. Judging by the available information, the earliest Turkic sites are excavated in the Altai Mountains. Remains dated to the second half of the 4th to the first half of the 6th century AD are mainly represented by ritual structures, as well as by several burials. The graves of this time show individual elements of continuity with the traditions of the Bulan-Cuby culture of the Altai of the pre-Turkic period. In eneral, these sites are evidence for the evolution of ritual practices.
The standard funeral rite of the Turkic culture formed in the middle of the 4th century AD. At that time the first Turkic Kaghanate was created, which became the basis for the spread of Turkic traditions to surrounding areas. Turkic burials dated to the second half of the 6th to the first half of the 7th century AD are known in the Altai, in Tuva, in the Minusinsk Basin, as well as in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Sites in each of these areas differ in a number of characteristics, indicating specific features of the development of Turkic culture. The greatest specificity is found in the complexes of the Minusinsk Basin, which form a local variant of Turkic culture.
At the time of the first Kaghanate, sites were not only distributed over a vast area, but they also show a certain evolution in the ritual practice of nomads, mainly the gradual complexification of structures and their increased variability. On the one hand, a unification of funeral customs is noted, and on the other hand, deviations related to various factors are recorded. In the subsequent stages of the development of early medieval Turkic culture (from the second half of the 8th to the first half of the 10th century AD), the tendency was to further complexify burial structures, with an increase in the variability of structures. Most Turkic burials dated to this period allow us to illustrate the marked changes more fully.The number of burials dated to the late stage in the development of Turkic culture (from the second half of the 10th to the 11th century AD) is insignificant. The sites are distributed over a greatly reduced territory: with a few rare exceptions, all the investigated burials are located in the Altai region. Excavated materials demonstrate the decline of early medieval Turkic traditions and the growing influence of other nomadic groups.
This project, entitled “The Early Peopling of Siberia: Origins and Evolution of Cultures in Northern Asia” (Resolution no.220), by the Altai State University, was supported by a grant of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science (grant no.14.Z50.31.0010).
孙危 教授 肖霄 硕士研究生
Sun Wei (Professor) Xiao Xiao (Postgraduate)
Department of Archaeology, School of History, Zhengzhou University
The Wusun were an important ethnic group in northwest China during the Han dynasty. It is was the most important among the thirty-six western countries recognized by the Han dynasty. Two princesses of the Western Han dynasty successively married with the Wusun Kunmo. Therefore, in this period, the Wusun maintained close contact with the Han dynasty.Chigu Citywas the capital of the Wusun and their political, economic, military and cultural center. The study about Chigu City played an important role in cultural exchanges between the Han and the Wusun, and on the Silk Road in general. The geographical location of the Chigu City is still widely debated. Until now, most studies are based on historical texts. Many remains, however, were found during archaeological survey and excavations at Issyk-Kul Lake and its surrounding area. The latter provide some reliable evidence for the geographical location of Chigu City. The Wusun were mainly sustained by a pastoralist economy, so that their capital cities were likely divided into winter and summer capitals. Based on both historical texts and archaeological data, we concluded that Issyk-Kul Lake and its surrounding area was the location of the winter capital of the Wusun, thus the location of Chigu City. In addition, a large number of relevant archaeological sites were found in the Tekesi River basin, which might have been summer capital of the Wusun.
The enquiry on the geographical location of Chigu City is essential to research on the subsistence mode of the Wusun, to determine whether these pastoralist groups also had settlements and practiced agriculture.
Cheng Pengfei
Research Fellow
Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Inner Mongolian
The urban site of Kheremen Tal is located in the territory of Ogiinuur Sum, Arkhangai Province, Mongolia, about 20 kilometers southeast from the administrative centre of Ogiinuur. From its strategic location on the north bank of the lower Tamir River, Kheremen Tal overlooks the point where the Tamir River and the Orhon Gol met. This site is one of the best preserved and one of the largest ancient cities in Mongolia. It is composed of three adjacent sites on an east-west axis, all three of similar design, here after refered to as “three interconnected cities”.
From 2014 to 2017, the Archaeological Institute of Inner Mongolia and the International Institute for the Study of Nomadic Civilizations in Mongolia have joined forces to investigate, survey and record of this site. Moreover, excavations were led in the western and central area of the ancient city. The excavation revealed a central platform in the middle city and in the western city, and the eastern door of the western city. The eastern wall, the moat and path were dissected.
The most salient find was a central platform in the central area of the city. The mound is a trapezoidal volume, oriented on a north-south axis, and its present height still reaches 2.85 meters. The platform was built in beaten red earth, with on its top a large circular pillar hole which diameter is of about 1 meter. A flat stone lies at the bottom of pillar hole. This is possibly part of the foundations of a large building. Only a small number of artefacts were found on the spot such as pottery sherds, copper nails, one copper knife and one iron knife.
Through stratigraphy, typology and C14 dating, the “three interconnected cities” were dated to the Xiongnu period, putting an end to previous discussions in Mongolian archeological academic circles. Based on historical texts, the site could be a ritual architecture related to the Xiongnu. The central platform in the central city among the “three consecutive cities” is the first large scale Xiongnu period structure of its kind to be found in Mongolia. This discovery is an important contribution to the field of Xiongnu archaeology.
公元前最后几百年是中亚地区发生重大变化的时期。这些变化与匈奴活动的开始有着千丝万缕的关系(匈奴初登上历史舞台是在头曼单于(Shan-U Tauman)和冒顿(Maodun)单于统治时期)。当萨彦—阿尔泰(Sayan-Altai)高地已经被纳入匈奴的影响范围时,上叶尼塞河(Yenisei)流域的人们依然按照由乌尤克—赛格力(Uyuk-Sagly)文化带来的方式生活,而这种文化则是斯基泰—西伯利亚(Scytho-siberian)联合体的一部分。这些事件都能够由考古学证据,特别是墓葬遗址反应出来——不同文化的混合,使他们随葬有从别处传入的器物,包括武器、珠宝,以及一些精美的艺术和手工艺品。
考古学与人类学的数据使我们能够对同时存在于图瓦(Tuva)地区的这两种考古学文化得出结论。这两种文化,其一是本土的乌尤克——赛格力文化,而另一种,我们可以试着叫它乌卢格—赫姆(Ulug-Khem)文化,这种文化产生于外来民族的影响之下。乌尤克—赛格力文化的最后一期被称作“奥臻—艾拉—贝丽格(Ozen-Ala-Belig)期”。该时期的埋葬形式发生了变化,出现了采用木棺葬的集体墓地,但与之前一样,埋葬深度并不甚深,墓穴深度大约在两米左右。墓主人头下放置小块的“枕石”,角落里随葬动物的部分肢体,原木的底板和顶板垂直放置。这一时期的墓中普遍随葬陶器。这些陶器的特征千差万变,包括罐形或者瓶形,并装饰以不同类型的彩绘和装饰纹饰。铁制品也开始传播开来。在木棺葬的邻近地区,也有集体的石室葬或窖穴葬。由V.A.Semenov发表的专著《萨格拉格和哈维拉坎(Suglug-Khem and Khayirakan)墓地》,可以看做是奥臻—艾拉—贝利格(Ozen-Ala-Belig)时期的标准遗迹。同时,艾麦尔丽格(Aymyrlyg)墓地的一些墓葬,赛格力—巴支(Sagly-Bazhy)第2地点、大甘—泰利(Dagan-Tely)第1地点、图瓦西部的杜哲丽格—霍乌祖(Duzhelyg-Hovuzu)遗址、厄尔贝克河(Eerbekriver)山谷地带的绍斯肯(Sausken)1到3地点、蒙古的乌兰高姆(Ulangom)墓葬址都有可能属于这一时期。而近年还发现有部分带墓道的墓穴遗址,亦属于这个时期。墓葬构件以及随葬品的特征显示,奥臻—艾拉—贝格丽期的年代大约在公元前3~1世纪。除了有组织的放射性碳测年外,V.A.Semenov还界定了一系列标准器型,包括一些与匈奴有联系的物品或仿照这些物品所制的器物,抑或一些具有特征性的物品,这些物品虽然未曾匈奴遗址中出土过,但常常与某种组合形式共同出现。例如饰有五环渔网纹的斑块,骨勺形的钩子,青铜的碗状坠饰,特定类型的箭镞,厚重的方形带扣,渔网上的铜铃,以及骨质带扣等。
Maria Kilunovskaya
Principal Research Fellow
Institute of History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences
The last centuries BC were times of significant changes on the territory of Central Asia. Those changes were connected with the start of Xiongnu activity, who appeared on the historical arena during the reign of Shan-U Tauman’ and Maodun’. Sayan-Altai upland was included into Xiongnu’s zone of influence, where in the basin of upper Yenisei still lived bringers of Uyuk-Sagly culture, which was part of Scytho-siberian unity. Those events are reflected in the archaeological sources, particular in the burial sites where, due to the mixing of different cultures, imported items appeared - weapons, jewelry, items of fine arts and crafts.
Archaeological and anthropological data bring us to the conclusion that two archaeological cultures coexisted on the territory of Tuva at that time. One of those cultures was local Uyuk-Sagly. Another one, which we can on probation call the Ulug-Khem culture, emerged under the influence of alien ethnic groups. The last phase of the Uyuk-Sagly culture was named Ozen-Ala-Belig stage. At that time funeral rites changed, there are collective burials into timbers, but not so deep, like before - the depth of grave pits is about 2 meters. There are small flagstones under the heads of buried - the “pillows”, parts of animal carcasses in the corners, logs of floors and ceilings are stacked perpendicularly. Ceramics are always present in the burials of that phase. There is an amazing diversity of ceramic vessels types, can-shaped , vase-shaped, and decorated with different types of painted and adorned ornament. Iron items start being widespread. Nearby the timber burials, there are collective burials into stone boxes or crypts. The cemeteries of Suglug-Khem and Khayirakan, published as monographs by V.A. Semenov, could be considered as a standard for monuments of Ozen-Ala-Belig stage. Also several burials on the Aymyrlyg grave field, burial sites of Sagly-Bazhy 2, Dagan-Tely 1, Duzhelyg-Hovuzu on the west of Tuva, Sausken 1, 2, and 3 in the valley of Eerbek river and Ulangom burial site in Mongolia could be dated to this period. Another type of site was discovered in recent years: burials in pits with dromoses. Ozen-Ala-Belig stage is dated to the 3rd-1st centuries BC by the inventory and features of burial construction. Besides radiocarbon dating, V.A. Semenov distinguished a number of chronological indicators. Those are some items, or their copies, which can be connected with the Xiongnu, or items not known in Xiongnu sites, but that are found in the same complexes. These items include five-ringed fishnet plaques, bone spoon-shaped clasps, bronze bowler-shaped pendants, arrowheads of certain types, rectangular massive iron belt buckles, fishnet bronze bells, rectangular bone buckles.
There are several archeological sites known by now on the territory of Tuva, which could be connected with Xiongnu. Those are the burial sites of Bai-Dag 2, Aymyrlyg XXXI, Urbyn III, as well as the recently found burial sites of Terezin and Ala-Tey, which is esearch on-going. All those sites are situated in the Basin of Ulug-Khem, at the entrance to the Sayan canyon of Yenisei. This is a crucial, strategically important place as the way through Sayans leading to Minusinsk basin begins here. Besides, the largest and best grazings in Central Tuva were situated on this territory. Control of this land was an important priority in all historical periods, so that detection of Xiongnu artifacts here is not surprising. The Xiongnu conquest of the Minusinsk basin likely passed through these places. About 50 flat graves of Xiongnu period were detected and studied on the burial sites of Ala-Tey and Terezin. There are several burial types: stone cists and pits surrounded with stones or wood. The majority of buried bodies lay in stretched supine position, but several ones have their legs bent. One or two ceramic vessels are found in all the graves. Unlike in Ala-Tey, on the Terezin burial site some weaponry was found-bone bow strengthener and arrowhead. During the excavation, a large number of belts decorations and clothes, beads, pendants and earrings were found, as well as Chinese Wu Zhu coins, Han mirrors and fragments of them. Openwork bronze belt plaques attract the greatest interest: those are real masterpieces of ancient nomadic art. Based on the unearthed artifacts and AMS dates, those sites can be dated to the 2nd and 1st centuries BC.
Song Guodong
Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Inner Mongolia
Preceding the construction of the Shaanxi-Beijing gas pipeline in Jungar Banner, exploration and excavation work was carried by a joint team of by the Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Inner Mongolia, the Ordos Archaeological Institute and the Heritage Management Office of Jungar Banner. In Naobaowan village, seven tombs were excavated in 2015 and 13 tombs in 2016. These tombs are all brick-built chambers with a sloped entrance, facing south and turning their back to the north. Most burial chambers are T-shaped or crescent-shaped. A few of the T-shaped chambers have an additional side chamber. Most tombs have been looted, but about 230 items were unearthed, mainly pottery bowls, pottery pots, pottery figurines, clay figurines, porcelain bottles, lacquer dishes, lacquer bowls, lacquer boxes, bronze mirrors, copper strips, copper locks, copper sautoirs, copper cashes, iron pans, iron scissors, iron knives, stone figurines, stone inkstones, stone balls, tombstones, epitaphs, etc. Among the 12 unearthed epitaphs, eight contain information on the identity of the deceased. All are members of the Chen clan, with the earliest date being the 2nd year of Xiantian (713 CE), and the latest date being the 27th year of Kaiyuan (739 CE). According to local records, the Chen clan came from Yingchuan. Some members of the clan had served in the army. The local records also indicate that the Chen clan cemetery was located 1.3 kilometers south of Yulin city in Tang period Shengzhou. Some tombs of the Chen clan members were not excavated. The Chen clan in Yingchuan was a noble family, founded by a famous scholar in the late Han dynasty. The excavation of the Chen clan cemetery provides important archaeological materials for studying the social history of Tang period Shengzhou, migration movements and burial customs.
Liao period walled cities in the Liao River basin Takahashi Gakuji
Hakata Girls' High School
In 2013 and 2014, with the help of local archaeologists, I was able to visit Liao period sites located in the northern part of Liaoning Province. The sites are distributed the municipalities of Tieling, Kaibei, Kaiyuan and Changtu, and in the counties of Kangping, Faku, Xinmin, etc. Additionally, I had the occasion to visit Liao dynasty sites in Fuxin City.
This paper is based on the research led by the archaeologists’ team of the Liaoning Province Archaeological Office, headed by Feng Yongqian, who studied Liao period sites since the 1960s, as well as on other previous scholarship. My own two-years field visit collected these research results.
This presentation covers several ancient cities located in the Liao River basin, focusing on their distribution, and proposes directions for further study.
Zhao Yongjun
Deputy Director\Researcher
Heilongjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
The Jin period Shangjing site (上京, the upper capital of the Jian dynasty, a location also known as Shangjing Huiningfu), was the early capital of Jin dynasty. It is located on the left bank of the Kashi River, two kilometres south of A City in Harbin municipality, Heilongjiang province. It also called “Bai City” (白城, literally “white city”). From the moment when the founder of the Jin dynasty (Jin Taizu金太祖), Wanyan Aguda (完颜阿骨打), was coronated emperor to 1153 CE, when the king of Hailing (Hailingwang海陵王), Wanyan Liang (完颜亮) transfered the capital of the empire to Jin Zhongdu or Yanjing (modern Beijing), Shangjing was the capital of the Jin dynasty. The dynasty was ruled by four generations of emperors and lasted for 38 years. As an important capital city site, Shangjing was well preserved.
Jin Shangjing is located in the hinterland of Northeast China. It is a large site, whose inhabitants subsisted in fishing, hunting and farming. In 2013, the Heilongjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology initiated the “Jin Shangjing site archaeological project”, to develop in a scientific and sustainable way the archaeological study and the preservation work of Shangjing. The present archaeological research project was launched in the same year, with some preliminary results available today. In 2013, the work focused on surveying and mapping the city, as well as dissecting and excavating the city walls. An understanding of the construction of the site was gained and a stratigraphy was established. In 2014, the basic characteristics of a Jin period city gate were known from the excavation of the Jin period capital south city gate. Between 2015 and 2017, excavations were led in the interior and western section of imperial city (or inner city) and a group of buildings to the east. The inner city was fully explored, to understand its structure and content. In recent years, archaeological research has improved our understanding of the structural features and historical evolution of the Shangjin site. The archaeological study of Jin period Shangjing and its established academic interest provide arguments for the protection of the site.
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