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铿锵四人行:“以法律保护文化... | |
新疆唐朝墩古城遗址2021年... | |
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征稿 |《北方民族考古》(第... | |
新书推荐 |《蒙古及周边地区... | |
中国人民大学历史学院考古文博... | |
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Study on Physical Anthropology in the Xiaohe Cemetery of Luobupo of Xinjiang
Zhu Hong
Research Center for Chinese FrontierArchaeology of Jilin University
In the past ten years, we have cooperated with the Xinjiang Province Institute of Archaeology to study excavated bones from the Xiaohe cemetery from the point of view of historical demography, ethno archaeology, anthropometry, historical pathology, dental anthropology and molecular archaeology. This enabled us to learn more about the physical
characteristics, ethnography, genetic composition, average lifetime, health condition of this group, as well as about questions of population origin and migration movements from the perspective of bio archaeology.
The skulls unearthed in Xiaohe show Europoid as well as Mongoloid characteristics.
The results of multivariate statistical analysis of mesured characters of the ancient groups show that within the modern boundaries of Xinjiang and the surrounding areas, the group buried in the Xiaohe cemetery was a relatively independent group, with a majority of Europoid traits and a small number of Mongoloid factors. The clustering results showed that the origin of the early population of the Xiaohe cemetery was not the same as that of any known population. Among them a small number of Mongoloid traits are widely distributed in the Eurasian Steppe.
2.Dental Anthropology
Dental anthropology has shown that the group buried in the Xiaohe cemetery is different from other East Asian groups, but bears a morphological relationship with Western Eurasian populations. However, there are similarities between Central Asian and South Siberian humans. Such similarities are closely related to the geographical location of the Xiaohe cemetery. As a core area of cultural communication in ancient China, Xinjiang always was always at the heart of the genetic exchange between the East and the West. The Xiaohe group is located in-between the populations of Europe and Asia. The morphological characteristics of the ancient human teeth in the Xiaohe cemetery are extremely complex. This might be related to early migration and genetic mixing in the region.
3.Paleo Demography
The age of death among the occupants of the Xiaohe cemetery has a relatively narrow distribution. The proportion of middle-aged individuals is the largest (41.38%), followed by the young (34.48%). The reason for Xiaohe having mostly young and middle-aged occupants may be related to the daily life of the Xiaohe inhabitants. Hard living
conditions can result in insufficient nutritional intake, low level of medical conditions and natural disasters, wars, etc.
4.Paleo Pathology
We have carried out a comprehensive identification and research of the bones were arried out for about 80 of male and female individual bones been collected in the Xiaohe cemetery (including skull, torso and limb bones), among which many diseases and traumas were identified.
库布苏古尔省正在进行的蒙古国考古项目(NMAP)表明随着该地区采集者与狩猎者开始将游牧生活融入他们的传统生活,这些人的定居模式、经济策略及社会政治发展亦随之而改变。虽然游牧文化是蒙古民族身份、文化、历史和经济的核心,但我们对于该地区的游牧起源却知之甚少。NMAP召集国际化的跨学科研究团队,除了采用诸如调查、民族考古和考古发掘等传统考古学方法,亦采取如无人机测绘、古民族植物学、古气候学、遥感技术等较为前沿的研究方法,对这一过渡时期进行研究。Soyo(索奥)村周边包括Soyo、Bagsagin Bulan、Bayanii Am等遗址群提供了丰富的信息和重要的遗址点,这些遗址点体现并涵盖了由采集狩猎到游牧的过渡与跨越过程。此外,这些遗址点大部分位于稳定的沙丘之上,较之于蒙古大多数同类型的考古遗址而言,Soyo遗址群提供了更深层的沉积点和地层剖面。最早的驯养动物出现于早期青铜时代墓葬之中,直到青铜时代晚期才出现定居模式的广泛重组和纪念碑性的历史遗迹,这表明“auditioning”时期至少持续了几千年之久。此外,该地区似乎仍持续呈现出灵活多变的多资源经济现象,在此期间,狩猎和放牧都被充分利用,使其成为研究狩猎游牧者互动的理想地域。与蒙古其他不同的生态区相似的调查项目相比,我们突出了该地区纪念碑性的历史遗迹建筑、定居模式和风险抑制战略之中的相似性和差异性。该项目及其他近期的类同研究项目还用及定居、族群空间及“景观式研究”,这些方法主要涉及宗教仪式和仪式场所,并且为传统的研究模式提供了重要的新发现。
Pastoral adaptations in Northern Mongolia’s Darkhad Depression: Discoveries of the Northern Mongolia Archaeology Project
Julia Clark
Cultural Heritage Coordinator
American Center for Mongolian Studies
Ongoing research of the Northern MongoliaA rchaeology Project (NMAP) in the Darkhad Depression of Huvsgul Province has helped to illuminate the changing settlement patterns, economic strategies, and socio-political developments that took place as the hunter-gatherers of the region began to incorporate pastoralism into their traditional lifeways. While herding is central to Mongolian national identity, culture, history and
economy, very little is known about the origins of pastoralism in the region.
Utilizing an international, interdisciplinary team, NMAP has approached the research of this transitional period by using both traditional archaeological methods such as survey, ethnoarchaeology and excavation and more cutting edge approaches like NDVI-Drone mapping, paleoethnobotany, paleoclimatology, remote sensing and more. The area around the village of Soyo has provided a wealth of information and important sites, including Soyo, Bagsagin Bulan, and Bayanii Am, that span the transition from hunter-gatherers to herders. Furthermore, several of these sites are located in stabilized dunes that provide much deeper deposition and stratigraphic profiles than most archaeological sites of this kind in Mongolia.
The earliest domesticated animal remains appear in burials of the Early Bronze Age, while the widespread reorganization of settlement patterns and impressive monumental landscapes do not appear until the Late Bronze Age suggesting an “auditioning” period that lasted a few thousand years. Furthermore, the region appears to continue to practice a flexible, fluid multi-resource economy where both hunting and herding are
utilized through time to the present day, making it an ideal location to research hunter-herder interaction. Comparisons with similar survey projects from other regions of Mongolia in different ecological zones have highlighted regional similarities and differences in monument construction, settlement patterns, and risk-reduction strategies. The addition of this project and other recent research programs like it that focus on settlements, domestic spaces and the “landscape approach” have added important new discoveries to the traditional research approaches that have primarily been concerned with ritual and ceremonial sites.
本文以中国辽宁地区调查数据为起点,探讨社区隶属关系(community affiliation)的概念。本文将讨论青铜时代不同社区的空间特征。通过剖析亲缘、政治、思想、经济和宗教等不同社区之间的隶属关系,我们可以更好地了解这些不同类型社区之间的交集和共性。不同社会与这些社区之间是否同时存在隶属关系则应另当别论。虽然我们可以从空间上理解这些不同类型社区的物理特征,但是其性质决定了必须从多个维度开展调查。本文讨论的社区空间范围从数十万平方公里到不足1平方公里不等。由于不同景观在规模上的差异巨大,所以理解它们的方法也自然不尽相同。
Multi-Scalar Communities in Bronze Age Northern Asia: Local Politics and Transregional Landscapes
Department of Archaeology and Museum Studies, Renmin University of China
This paper uses the data collected from regional survey in Liaoning, China as a departure point to explore the concept of community affiliation. The paper will discuss the spatial characteristics of different communities during the Bronze Age. By nweaving the kin-defined, political, ideational, economic and religious community affiliations, we can gain greater understanding of the intersection and congruence among these different types of communities, with which societies may or may not be simultaneously affiliated. The material characteristics of these different types of communities can be understood spatially but due to their nature it is essential that investigation should take place at a number of scales. The communities discussed in this paper range spatially from hundreds of thousands of square kilometers to less than one square kilometer. Since the landscapes differ so vastly in scale the approaches to understanding them must also differ.
The spatial logic of prehistoric architecture and pastoral nomadism in Xinjiang
Annie Chan
Visiting Research Scholar
University of Pennsylvania
Using spatial and statistical tools of analysis, this papers studies the forms and ordering of stone structures in the steppes of Western Tian Shan to examine the relationship between commemorative architecture and the development of pastoral nomadism in the second and first millennia BCE. Specifically, I question the connection between structures such as slab graves, cairns, and quadrangular and circular enclosures commonly clustered on the floors of piedmonts and terraces and defining geographical features. I present data collected, in collaboration with the Institute of Archaeology, CASS, from survey and excavation in the Bortala Valley as a case study. The result of my analysis suggests that the aggregation of permanent architecture over time corresponds to and accents patterns of physical and ritual accessibility. I argue that the placement of structures and the fidelity of architectural design bespeak a body of communal and cumulative knowledge of routes, locales and the conception of space that is inextricably tied to the culture, economy and logistics of maintaining a gainful subsistence by means of mobile animal husbandry.
历代文献记载:公元3世纪时,位于今日喀什一带的疏勒国曾向(曹)魏帝奉献大秦(地中海以东地区)制作的赤石带。南北朝时(公元420~588年)西域人民多带着用黄金、美玉装饰的腰带。北周太祖在位时间(公元507~556年),华北已有玉带。唐高祖武德四年(公元621年),曾赐给功臣李靖“于阗玉带”。唐太宗贞观六年(公元632年)西域的于阗国献玉带。唐玄宗开元初(公元713年之后),位于阿拉伯半岛的大食国,进贡给唐玄宗马匹及宝钿带。从这些文献可知,公元三至八世纪,西亚至中亚的民族流行用嵌有美石的腰带。近年在太原、西安等地发掘出土粟特人虞弘、安伽的墓葬,墓中石椁上的浮雕或壁画都显示骑马者所系腰带的款式,颇相似于伊朗“波斯国的帝王谷Naqsh-e Rustam”所浮雕萨珊帝国帝王、武士所系的腰带。都是在带上嵌饰圆或方形饰片,有的下方还连结圆尖状或条状装饰。粟特(Sogdians),人种上属于伊朗系统的中亚古族,操印欧语系伊朗语族中的东伊朗语。南北朝至唐代时,是西亚、中亚最活跃的商业民族。昆仑山北麓和阗地区是采集和阗玉的主要地区。自古居住操印欧语系东伊朗语的塞族,直到五代宋初,于阗国的王族尉迟氏仍属此族。所以,自西亚伊朗高原到中亚东端的昆仑山,散居的人种彼此同源,可能都流行用美石装饰腰带,和阗美玉更是制作带板的最高级选材。所以北朝至唐代“于阗玉带”成为当时品牌时尚之物。鲜卑族活跃于北亚,建立了北魏政权。该族则流行在腰带上嵌饰铜质带版。考古发掘了北魏孝武帝的铜带饰、北魏洛阳永宁寺系有腰带的泥塑像。清楚显示所嵌各种带版的形状与彼此组合关系。而考古发掘的北周若干云将军墓、隋炀帝墓、唐初上柱国左卫府中郎将窦皦墓,所出腰带上的嵌片虽以美玉制作,但各类带版造型及组合是相同于鲜卑族的铜带饰。所以,唐代流行的玉带,应是揉合西亚、中亚、北亚的腰带传统,在和阗美玉大量采集下发展的新服饰。日后更成为中国历代官服中重要的组成项目。
Jade Belts- Between Northern China and the Eurasian grassland
Deng Shuping
Taipei National Palace Museum
Historical texts tell that in the third century AD, the Shule countries (located in the modern Kashgar area) offered a belt from Da Qin (Eastern Mediterranean) to Emperor Cao of the Wei dynasty. In the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-588 AD), people from the western regions wore belts decorated with gold and jewels. In the Taizu era of the
Northern Zhou dynasty (507-556 AD), jade belts were already used in North China. Under Tang Emperor Gaozu (621 AD), the hero Li Jing was offered a "Yutian (Khotan) jade belt". Under Tang Emperor Taizong (632 AD) the country of Yutian (Khotan), located in the western region, paid a jade belt as tribute. Under Tang Emperor Xuanzong (after 713 AD), the country of Dashi, located in the Arabian Peninsula, paid horses and a belt inlaid with mother-of-pearl as tribute. From historical texts we can see that between the third and the eighth centuries AD, inlaid belts were popular from West Asia to
Central Asia. On the carved stone couches found in the tombs of the Sogdians Yu Hong and Anjia in the vicinity of Taiyuanand Xi'an, horse riders wearing belts are depicted, comparable to the belts worn by warriors and the nobility on the Naqsh-e Rustam reliefs from Sassanid Persia. Such belts have round or square ornaments, with sometimes the addition of a rounded or striped decoration. Sogdians were a Central Asian group speaking an eastern Iranian language from the Indo-European language family. From the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Tang, they had the monopole on trade on the Silk Road. The northern part of the Kunlun Mountains and the Khotan area are the main sources of jade. From the beginning of the Five Dynasties to the early Song, the royal family of Khotan was related to Saka (Sai塞) groups speaking an eastern Iranian language from the Indo-European language family. From the West Asian Iranian plateau to the eastern end of the Kunlun Mountains in Central Asia, related groups shared a common cultural heritage, including the use of inlaid belts, with jade from Khotan as a privileged material for ornamentation. From the Northern Dynasties to the Tang period, the “Yutian (Khotan) jade belt” became extremely fashionable. Xianbei groups active in
North Asia established the Northern Wei Empire. Among them, belts decorated with bronze plaques were popular. Bronze plaques from the belt of Emperor Xiaowu of the Northern Wei Dynasty have been unearthed, and mud sculptures in the Northern Wei period Yongning Temple in Luoyang wear belts as well. The types of plaques used and the way they are combined are well illustrated by these examples. The archaeologically excavated belts from the Northern Zhou period tomb of General Yun 云将军, the tomb of
Emperor Yang of the Sui 隋炀帝, and the early Tang period tomb of the palace attendant左卫府中郎将Doujiao 窦皦from the country of Shangzhu上柱国, resemble Xianbei belts decorated with copper plaques. Jade belts popular in the Tang period were a synthesis of West Asian, Central Asian, and North Asian traditions. Thanks to the abundant source of jade from Khotan, innovative jewellery developed, which would in the future become an important component of the ancient Chinese official dress.
The archaeology of the Pan-Yellow Sea Rim and the region’s historical role
Park Sun Bal
Chungnam National University of Korea
The “Pan-Yellow Sea Rim” includes the north of the East China Sea or the Yellow Sea, the Shandong Peninsula, the Liaodong peninsula and the western coastal areas of the Korean Peninsula. From prehistoric times, this area has been an important communication belt, with a cultural exchange route connecting the mainland of China and the Korean
Peninsula. Although many researchers agree to this understanding, but there is no agreement on the functioning and development of such a route. Based on previous research and data, the author has selected several kinds of archaeological remains as evidence for cultural exchanges around the Yellow Sea.
Natural geography and archeological evidence are crucial in understanding the specificity of an area centered on the Korean peninsula, and comprising the Liaodong Peninsula, the Changbai mountain, etc., but also in understanding the relaitonship between this area and its surroundings. Korean, Chinese and Japanese academics all recognize the specificity of this region in terms of ecological and archaeological features, but the region correponds to no objective naming or status in history and
archaeology. To remedy this lack, the author of this paper puts forward the concept of 'Extreme East Asian Farming and Hunting Zone', to better grasp the area’s role in history and archaeology.
There was a major turning point in the development of the 'Extreme East Asian Farming and Hunting Zone': the apparition and development of agriculture. In this context, more attention should be paid to the Pianpu culture: its emergence is the result of mutual
influences between the Shandong and Liaoxi or Liaodong regions. Trade and migration are essential phenomenons to understand the distribution of Bronze Age remains in Shandong, Liaodong and the Korean Peninsula.
林梅村 教授
马丽亚•艾海提 博士研究生
The Rise of Hephthalite People in the Tian-shan and Altai Mountains:
On the Early Spreading of Iron Stirrups from China to the Central Asian Steppes
Lin Meicun (Professor)
Maliya Aihaiti (Graduate)
School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University
As one of the Xianbei tribes in the Liaodong Peninsula, the Hephthalite originated from the Donghu people. As early as the era of Xiongnu Empire, the Hephthalite ancestors migrated westward to Saibei (the area on the north of Great Wall). In 126 AD they migrated again from the Saibei to the northern Tianshan Mountain and are historically called Bahua (the eight major tribes of Hephthalite). From 126 to 220 AD, being the confederates of Eastern Han army, these eight tribes had been involved in the battles against the Northern Xiongnu between the Tianshan and Altai Mountains, where the tombs and artefacts with Xianbei style have been archaeologically discovered. In the last years of the Eastern Han dynasty, Tanshihuai ruled the Mongolian plateau, and his influence reached Altai Mountains in the west. In 235 AD, because of the fragmentation of Xianbei Khanate, the Hephthalite took this opportunity to occupy the south Altai Mountains and re-unify the various Xianbei tribes. This can be demonstrated through the tombs and artefacts unearthed in the area between the Tian Shan and Altai Mountains. From the third to fifth centuries, the main tribes of Hephthalite, as the nomadic people in the Altai Mountains, were still controlled by the Rouran Khaganate and had many military attacks to the oasis kingdoms in the Central and West Asia, such as the Sogdian states, the Kidera kingdom and the Sasanian empire, and even to the tribes of Indus Valley. However, eventually the main tribes of Hephthalite did not move in to the area of the Amu Darya. It can be seen by the archaeological culture in the Altai Mountains that still remains the Hephthalite style. The key examples are the iron swords and stirrups collected at Qinghe County in Xinjiang. The current evidence of the earliest stirrup in the Central Asian Steppe is the cast iron stirrups with the straight handle. This type of stirrup has its paralleled evidence in the Northern China, which is a wooden stirrup coated by the gilt copper that comes from the Feng Sufu tomb of the Northern Yan dynasty dated to 415 AD. This type of stirrup is clearly distinguished from the Turkic hammered iron stirrups. This paper aims to demonstrate that the spreading of this early iron stirrup in the Central Asian Steppes can be directly linked to the activities of the Hephthalite people in the Altai Mountains.
Cityscapes and Rectangular walled cities in eastern Inner Mongolia, China: The Liao period middle capital city of Zhongjing (10th-11th centuries AD)
Machida Yoshitaka
Kobe City College of Technology
Several rectangular walled cities were erected between the 10th and 14th centuries AD in the eastern part of the modern Inner Mongolia, China. This area, also covering part of the modern provinces of Liaoning and Hebei, corresponds to the border between farming and herding communities in Eastern Eurasia. For some of these walled cities, fortifications are still visible above the ground today.
This report focuses on the remains of the middle capital city (Zhongjing中京) of the
Khitan (Qidan契丹) or Liao (遼) dynasty. I visited the site in the summer of 2016:
The approximate period when the rectangular walled cities were erected and abandoned can be determined from historical documents.
Although the entire surface of the site was not excavated, layout drawings are available that show the scale and shape of the cities.
The city walls that form the outer perimeter of the city can be matched with aerial photographs (or satellite images).
While the importance of restoring the original layout of rectangular walled cities is unquestionable, this study also pays attention to the cityscape. The people who erected rectangular walled cities, their residents and the visitors from other regions probably identified the city as a three-dimensional cityscape, different from one city to another. The following aspects of Liao period Zhongjing were examined:
The information for Zhongjing being founded in the 10th century AD is based on historical texts such as the records of envoys from the Northern Song (北宋) dynasty, who stood in opposition to the Liao. However, it is impossible to reconstruct the expansion process of the city solely from historical documents, and one has to turn to material evidence.
Several Buddhist temples existed in the area before the construction of Liao period Zhongjing. When pre-existing Buddhist temples are replaced on the map of the walled city site, it appears that the oldest temple was built in a hilly area in the southwest part of the site. Before the construction of the great Buddhist pagoda of Zhongjing in the 11th century AD, the southwestern hilly area was the most salient aspect of landscape that could be seen both from the inside and the outside of the rectangular walled city.
More widely, this study examines the construction methods for walled cities in relation to their natural environment, with factors such as climate and terrain, as well as the changing political and economic role played by the cities through time.
2016年9月21至28日:俄罗斯科学院物质文化史研究所、国家冬宫博物馆、“GeoScan”设备公司在巴尔米拉组织了一次联合科学考察,材料收集完备用于制作3D模型(领队为俄罗斯科学院物质文化史研究所娜塔莉雅索罗耶娃(N. Soloveva)副所长)。
Contemporary digital technologies in archeology and in preservation of architectural-archaeological sites: 3D-model of the ancient Palmyra (SAR)
Natalia Soloveva, PhD
Deputy Director
The Institute for the History of Material Culture Russian Academy of Sciences
Time context and events before (March-September, 2016):
March 26 - deliberation of Palmyra and Tadmor by the Syrian armed forces; start of de-mining work by officials of the International Demining Center (Russian Federation, Ministry of Defense);
April – launch of the Institute for the history of the Material Culture History Russian Academy of Sciences (St-Petersburg, Russian Federation) initiative for undertaking 3D-model of the contemporary state of architectural-archaeological site of the ancient Palmyra and surroundings; purpose – elaborating of 3D model for prospective
preservation/conservation works by the world scientific community under supervision of UNESCO experts;
June 5-9 – 1) de-mining works are completed; 2) the monitoring visit of the official Russian experts headed by the Russian Ministry of Culture in accordance with the invitation of Syrian Government.
September 21-28 – the joint scientific expedition to Palmyra (The Institute for the history of Material Culture Russian Academy of Sciences, The State Hermitage Museum, "GeoScan" company equipment) had been undertaken for collecting materials for 3D model. Head – Deputy Director of IHMC RAS N. Soloveva.
Results (summary).
Total inventory of the ancient Palmyra archeological site (13 sq.km) had been undertaken, including aerial photography of the ancient Palmyra territory at different heights, using the “Grifon-12” Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV); accuracy of the orthophoto is 2.39 cm / pixel.
The total area of investigation - 20 sq.km.
Creation of the GIS of Palmyra (dynamic geoinformation system, reflecting the history of the monuments, all the results of previous archaeological and historical studies of the ancient Palmyra, its current state, indicating past and recent damage).
Creation of georeferenced 3D architectural models of the affected areas for the work of architects-restorers.
Creation of demo3D models of the entire territory of the Palmyra site and some separate spots of central part of the ancient city for raising awareness and promotion of ancient cultural heritage of Syria, international cooperation in field of archaeology and safeguarding of cultural heritage.
Important note: after completing works, mentioned above, 3D model of Palmyra site, all results will be transmitted for free to Syrian Government and UNESCO in order to give a possibility to interested researchers, experts and volunteers for taking part in safeguarding and conservation of his damaged site – a real treasure of our civilization.
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