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【关键词】重庆市巫山县 洞室墓 石室墓 汉晋时期
【KEYWORDS】 Chongqing Municipality Wushan County Cave tombs Stone-chamber Tombs Han through Jin Dynasties
【ABSTRACT】 In July through September 2012, Chongqing Municipal Institute of Cultural Heritage and other institutions conducted rescue excavations to the Cement Plant Cemetery, Junying (military camp) River Cemetery and Longtoushan (Dragon Head Hill) Cemetery, and recovered 19 earthen cave tombs and stonechamber tombs of the Eastern Han through Eastern Jin Dynasties. These tombs had all been looted before the excavation, and very few grave goods were survived, mainly including celadon wares, glazed and unglazed pottery wares, bronzes, iron objects and coins. The cultural remains in these burials showed the jointed features of the Ba-Shu Culture in the upper reach of the Yangtze River and the cultures in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, but still kept strong local cultural characteristics.
【出 处】《考古》2016年第2期
【作 者】
李梅田 陈昊雯 中国人民大学历史学院
乔 峡 重庆市文化遗产研究院
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