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发布者:人大考古 发布时间:2017-01-02 02:09:37 阅读量:
【关 键 词】 大山前遗址  夏家店下层文化  梭形石刀  使用方式

【KEYWORDS】 Dashanqian site  Lower Xiajiadian Culture  Shuttle-shaped Stone  Knives  Using Methods

【ABSTRACT】 The shuttle-shaped stone knives with strong features of the Lower Xiajiadian Culture are actually not the hand-held tools for cropping grain ears. Through the onsite observation and measuring to the shuttle-shaped knife samples unearthed at Locality I of Dashanqian Site, the discussing and exploring on their technical designs by comparing their use-wears with the lab archaeology method, and with the references of the
ethnographic data and the materials of the shuttle-shaped stone knives unearthed from other sites of the Lower Xiajiadian Culture, this paper suggests that the shuttle-shaped stone knives were implements for daily use which had been tied to hafts and could be used to process materials with medium hardness by piercing, cleaving, sawing and chopping.

【出    处】《考古》2016年第3期

【作    者】董  哲  陈胜前 等
董  哲  安徽省文物考古研究所
陈胜前  中国人民大学历史学院

